This Modern Age

Posts Tagged ‘Vietnam POW

John McCain’s Character

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The BBC is reporting that John McCain’s former Vietnamese POW captor is endorsing him for President of the United States.

The following from Tran Trong Duyet struck me:

I think he’d make a very capable president. He’s done so much to improve relations between our two countries.

Tran Trong Duyet

Senator McCain, for all of his flaws, must have a remarkable heart and character.  While the Vietnamese still deny torturing any POWs (a claim that is hard to believe and McCain personally disputes), any POW experience must be hard to forgive. 

The BBC also reports that Cindy McCain was in Vietnam for a charity mission last week. 

Such forgiveness should be modeled and admired. 

Written by thismodernage

June 26, 2008 at 6:53 pm